Fracture Risk Scale Manual
Using information from the resident’s latest RAI-MDS assessment, respond to questions to direct you to the resident’s Fracture Risk Scale Score (MDS response locations appear in square brackets, where applicable). Document the responses using the check boxes. Instructions for calculating BMI are presented on the back side
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New FRS Tool for LTC
The Fracture Risk Scale (FRS) tool is used to predict hip fracture for LTC residents over a 1-year time period.
Embedded in MDS 2.0, the FRS tool automatically calculates hip fracture risk for LTC residents based on their MDS 2.0 assessment data.
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2015 Osteoporosis LTC Recommendations’ Presentation
This presentation illustrates how to apply the 2015 Fracture Prevention Recommendations for frail older adults in long-term care, improve fracture risk assessment and identification of residents at high risk, and how to choose non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies for residents at high risk of fracture.
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2015 Recommendations for Preventing Fractures in LTC
Learn more about the first guideline in Canada focused on preventing fractures among the frail and elderly in long-term care. It includes information on falls and osteoporosis assessment, as well as various treatment strategies designed to reduce immobility, pain, hospital transfers and most importantly, improve the quality of life of residents at these facilities.

Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention in LTC Webinar
The Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long Term Care (OOSLTC) in collaboration with the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) has developed a certified webinar program, ‘Clinical Application of the Long-Term Care Fracture Prevention Recommendations for Frail Older Adults.’ The program presents a comprehensive approach to deliver non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies to reduce immobility, pain and transfers to hospitals while improving the quality of life of residents in LTC.
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Osteoporosis LTC Video Series
Osteoporosis Canada, Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy, University of Waterloo and GERAS Centre for Aging Research launched a four-video series, aimed at educating health care professionals to prevent falls and fractures for long term care (LTC) residents. This video series promote exercise and safe movements to prevent falls and fractures in LTC and focuses on personal support workers, physiotherapists & physiotherapist assistants, group exercise trainers (e.g., fitness instructors, kinesiologists) and restorative care staff. The LTC video series can be viewed at: www.osteoporosis.ca or www.gerascentre.ca
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LTC Fracture Prevention Quick Reference Guide
This 2-page quick reference guide is a tool that provides a quick summary of information including Fracture Risk Assessment on Admission and Fracture and Fall Prevention Strategies for residents living in long-term care environments.
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LTC Therapy Tool
The Long Term Care Safe Administration Therapy Tool for osteoporosis was revised in May 2018 by the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy and GERAS Centre for Aging Research to include recent changes to the Limited Use Codes.

Keeping it Together: Osteoporosis Conversation Sheet
Developed in partnership with the Ontario Association of Residents Council (OARC), this conversation sheet provides suggestions on how long term care residents can start conversations about osteoporosis.
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