

Atypical Femur Fractures
Fracture Risk Scale: Preventing Fractures in Long Term Care Part 4 of 4
Fracture Risk Scale: Preventing Fractures in Long Term Care Part 3 of 4
Fracture Risk Scale: Preventing Fractures in Long Term Care Part 2 of 4
Canada’s New Osteoporosis Guideline: Fracture and Fall Prevention
Fracture Risk Scale: Preventing Fractures in Long Term Care Part 1 of 4
Beyond the Break & From Frailty to Resilience: Osteoporosis & Rehabilitative Care for Older Adults
Sarcopenia: It’s time to put our knowledge into practice
The Experience of Feeling Old after a Fragility Fracture
Génétique et maladies osseuses
Osteoporosis Medication – Treatment Safety and Approach to Duration of Treatment
Diabetes and Bone Disease
Anabolic Therapy in Osteoporosis
Plant-Based Diets and Bone Health
The Benefits of Creatine Supplementation during Resistance Training for Older Adults
The Challenges of Safely and Effectively Achieving Vitamin D Adequacy for Canadians
Acute Pain Management Following a Fracture in Adults
Providing Care for Transgender Patients
LTC Fracture Prevention Webinar
Impact Exercises for Individuals at Risk of Fractures
CKD-Induced Bone Disease
Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Bone Health
Long-term impact of incident fragility fractures on health-related quality of life of older people
Imminent Fracture Risk and New Bone Formation Therapies
Understanding Bone Health as Part of Overall Musculoskeletal Health
Mobility, Dance & Falls
Nutrition and Bone Health Throughout the Lifespan
Sarcopenia & Frailty
Reducing the Risk for Falls in Later Life: It Takes a Village
Maximisation des DME envers ostéoporose et la prévention des chutes
Transgender Bone Health
Assessing Fracture Risk in Long-Term Care
Osteoporosis & Post-Menopausal Women
Getting Enough Vitamin D and Calcium with Canada’s New Food Guide
Preventing Falls For Patients With Neurological Impairment: One Step At A Time
Ostéoporose: Qui Traiter?
After Breast Cancer – Osteoporosis In Survivorship
Drug-Induced Osteoporosis
Breast Cancer & Bone Health
Optimizing muscle and bone strength: The role of physical activity during aging
Atypical Femoral Fractures: What You Need to Know
Protein & Vitamin K: “Other” Nutrients For Bone Health
Vitamin D: Who Is Really At Risk Of Deficiency?
“Back Me Up” An Anatomical Review Of The Spinal Elements Which Contribute To, And The Rehabilitation Of, Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures And Hyperkyphosis
What Is The Role Of Exercise In Preventing Falls And Fractures In Long-Term Care
Diabetes & Bone Health
How Long to Treat and Which is the Best?
Bénéfices-risques des Traitements De L’ostéoporose
World Osteoporosis Day: Prostate Cancer and Bone Health
Osteoporosis, Falls, Fractures and the Fracture Screening and Prevention Program
Part 2: Importance of Exercise, Strength Training, Balance and Posture Training for Fall Prevention – Clinical Application